Monday, November 15, 2010


Conceptual art as a genre is the greatest pretentious indulgence in psychobabble of the 20th and 21th centuries. I saw this film title (Untitled) (2009) about a week ago, and fell in love almost instantly. As a career art student, I have always sort of felt like an outsider, never buying in to the pretentious bullshit behind the supposed greatest works of whichever era, never caring to participate in critiques as a front to display my knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design, and I simply have never respected an artist/designer who has more words to say about their work than what their work has to say for itself. I guess what I am trying to get at is that in realm of art, I am an outsider on the inside and it almost feels like this film was written exclusively for me. I am not going to bother analyzing the film or even attempt to sum it up for you especially since the trailer is right here. Besides, that would be down right hypocritical of me would it not?

Anyway I will leave you with my favorite quote from the film, as spoken masterfully by Adam Goldberg's self conscious and mildly neurotic character Adrian Jacobs in response to a critical claim about his musical performance made by some art yuppies whom he was at a dinner party with:

"Harmony is a capitalist plot to sell pianos."

Here's the trailer...

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