Monday, November 29, 2010

Nuclear weapons [Design is utopian]

[Second atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan] Library of Congress

Fairly often, we come across designs and designers who endeavor to improve general society in their work. Many are successful, while many are not. But rare is it that any do any sort of real harm. Most modern designs are nothing more than ergonomic enhancements or environmentally conscious redesigns based on old designs with little or no new practical functionality anyway. One design, however, that was engineered toward entirely new functionality that I would deem a major utopian work with irony (but not sarcasm) fully intended is the nuclear weapon.

I personally find the entire concept of nuclear weapons utterly repulsive and entirely unnecessary, above all other abhorrent tools of destruction. However, what is more human than the desire and struggle for bettering "our" society by completely wiping out "theirs"? I am well aware of the misanthropy in my words when I say that nothing is more utopian than self-service through the ruination of those whose own self-service conflict.

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