Sunday, October 17, 2010

GFYS: A Self Portrait

Despite having a number of high priority tasks to complete within a short period of time, I — for some reason — found this necessary. It is titled: GFYS Time Management, A Self Portrait Created While Very Slightly Intoxicated on an Insignificant Sunday Afternoon.

Drawn in Adobe Photoshop CS5 using Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet
Random [no]fun fact: sometimes drawing on the computer requires moving your entire body to get the right angle.

On a side note, I have heard a lot of artists comment on how they feel about "ugliness" and "prettiness" of people in their art, saying that it is too easy to make draw pretty people so they choose to draw ugly or less attractive people because the believe it's more challenging. I would just like to say that I disagree entirely. I find ugly people to be so much easier to depict (in most cases for me: draw), however it may just be more tempting to draw pretty people because, of course, you want your art to look pretty. I personally like drawing ugly people and ugliness in general for fun, and it's mostly because it's so easy to do that I can just mess around, change and exaggerate things to my liking, making the image as well as the overall process so much more entertaining. But not at all challenging, really. I mean, let's stop kidding ourselves — in order to portray physical beauty one must meet a standard, whereas in ugliness there is no standard, it's anything that does not meet the aforementioned standard of beauty.
I do recognize that there is a slight challenge in creating something ugly as opposed to something pretty, but it is merely a psychological challenge because we are naturally driven to attempt to meet the beauty standard. But that is no more of a challenge than deciding to heat up a microwavable dinner as instead of cooking a meal from scratch — you know it would be so much more wholesome and delicious, but it takes more time, patience and expertise.

So next time you hear some imperious artist try to claim that they prefer to draw unattractive people or create things to look ugly because pretty is just too easy, make sure you tell them GFYS and be sure to send my regards.

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