Monday, October 11, 2010

Creativity From Without

Have you ever looked at a cluster of staples on a post board and thought about hatching? I'm guessing the answer is no. Well unless you happen to be the mastermind behind this:
Air Force One by Baptiste Debombourg
As the caption reveals, this is an installation by French artist Baptiste Debombourg. The piece is simply an enlarged rehash of a 16th century drawing by Hendrick Goltzius titled The Fall of PhaĆ«ton, except this time its one a wall fleshed out in nothing more than staples over the naked white wall. Debombourg also did a second slightly more elaborate piece on another wall featuring two intertwined figures using mangled nails rather than staples this time. On his portfolio site, Debombourg admits to not knowing the original draftsman of the stock drawing he used for the second piece. I'm not sure if this is because this information is generally unknown or if Debombourg himself is just not sure of the images origins. Nonetheless, his inability to cite his resources in precise detail is a negligible fault in comparison to what he managed to pull off in re-imagining the archaic images into a modern wastefully utilitarian concept. Here are some more images of the installation…

And this is what the original drawing by Goltzius…

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